Fowlerville Gladiators


Boys Varsity Football

Team News
Game Summaries (0)

No team summary for this season.

News (3)

2022 Fowlerville Football Parent Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022


WHO: Parents of players currently in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11

WHEN: Monday May 23rd, 6:00PM

WHERE: The Alverson Center for Performing Arts 


On May 23, 2022 the Fowlerville Football program will hold its parent meeting for Freshman, JV and Varsity football players at 6:00pm in The Alverson Center for Performing Arts. This meeting will cover the summer schedule, practice and game schedule for the 2022 football season, as well as other important information. The goal will be to provide as many answers to questions as we can while we prepare for the upcoming season. We look forward to seeing all parents May 23rd. If you have any questions before the meeting, please let Coach Fletcher know. Email:


Go Glads!

2021 Fowlerville Football Banquet

Updated on 06/10/2022

The Fowlerville football banquet for the Freshman/JV and Varsity football teams will be held on Wednesday October 27th at 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Performing Arts Center in the High School. Due to Covid-19 we are only doing an awards ceremony this year with NO food or drinks. Please enter from the Performing Arts Center parking lot and main entrance.  Any questions, please contact Coach Fletcher. Thank you for all of your support all season. Go Glads!

2021 Fowlerville Football Parent Meeting

Updated on 06/10/2022


WHO: Parents of players currently in grades 8, 9, 10 and 11

WHEN: Thursday May 27th, 6:00PM

WHERE: High School Competition Gym or Google Meet   


On May 27, 2021 the Fowlerville Football program will hold its parent meeting for Freshman, JV and Varsity football players at 6:00pm in the high school competition gym. We will also provide a Google Meet link for anyone who cannot make that meeting and time. A Google Meet link will be sent to your email that is on file for the school. This meeting will cover the anticipated summer schedule/adjusted schedule, practice and game schedule for the 2021 football season, as well as other important information. The goal will be to provide as many answers to questions as we can while we prepare for the upcoming season. We look forward to seeing all parents May 27th. If you have any questions before the meeting, please let Coach Fletcher know. Email:


Go Glads!