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Fowlerville Gladiators



Fowlerville Gladiators


Fowlerville Gladiators


Fowlerville Gladiators


Announcements and Important Events


Posted 4.0 years ago @ 6:42PM

Outdoor Conditioning-Restart Jan 11th

Gladiator Nation...Happy New Year!

We received some promising news...not great but promising! The MHSAA and the MDHHS have agreed to allow schools to resume off-season conditioning! The stipulation is that it must occur outdoors and we are required to mask up and practice physical distancing. When I shared the news with our coaches they were excited that you could get back to work! When I talked to many of you in the halls you said you’d do anything to “get back to work!” Here's our chance!!

Here are the details:
Who: All HS Athletes, not just winter!
When: Monday-Thursday
1/11, 1/12, 1/13, 1/14
2:30 to 3:30 

What: Conditioning sessions (Cardio, flexibility, strength, etc)
Where: Meet at Door #39
Why: To help re-condition our kids in an attempt to avoid injuries. 

Just like the summer; please complete the pre-screening (LINK BELOW), wear a mask, dress accordingly and get ready to work! Sessions will be developed by Martha, Gorden Sports Performance and your coaches. Please know this is voluntary BUT coaches can attend and they could share important information regarding the re-start/startup of your season. WE would love to see you there!

Let me know if you have further questions...we look forward to resuming activities! 

Go Glads!
Mr. Osborn

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