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Fowlerville Gladiators



Fowlerville Gladiators


Fowlerville Gladiators


Fowlerville Gladiators


Announcements and Important Events


Posted 5.0 years ago @ 1:16PM

Summer Dead Week and Downtime Information

Many Gladiator families have inquired about summer opportunities, the dead week and the preseason downtime. Below is tentative information regarding weight lifting and the established dates for dead week, downtime and tryouts. More information will be distributed later, please know that this summer will be a little hectic INDOORS. The final stages of the bond projects are at the HS and JH and we will have to adapt and make sure we pay attention to all construction zones.

Summer Weight Lifting:
TENTATIVE: Spartan Performance: Monday / Tuesday / Thursday
Session #1: 10:00am to 10:45am
Session #2: 10:45am to 11:30am

Summer Dead Period:
As mandated by the MHSAA, FHS will adhere to the Summer Dead Period that begins on July 4th and ends on July 11th. During this time there is to be no contact between school officials/coaches and the athletes. No workouts, conditioning, open gyms, weight room sessions, etc are allowed. Coaches may not provide coaching instruction to any students from the district in which they coach (in grades 7-12) in any setting. For more details please contact the Athletic Director.

Sports Physicals:

Fall Pre-Season Downtime:
As mandated by the MHSAA, FHS will adhere to the Pre-Season Downtime that begins on August 1st and ends on the first day of practice for your respective sport. This creates a clear line between summer activities and the start of our Fall sports campaign. Conditioning and weight lifting will still be offered during this time but no open gyms/practice/scrimmages can occur.

Fall Tryout Dates:
Football and Cheer – August 10th
Cross Country, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Boys Tennis and Girls Volleyball – August 12th

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